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Websites use smart (and useful) techniques designed to increase the user-friendliness and make the site's content as interesting as possible for every visitor.

Websites use smart (and useful) techniques designed to increase the user-friendliness and make the site's content as interesting as possible for every visitor. Well-known examples of these types of techniques are cookies and scripts (also known as just 'cookies'). Cookies can be used by website owners or by third parties - e.g.: advertisers - who communicate via the website you visit.

This website respects the privacy of all its users and ensures that the personal data you provide is treated confidentially. We will never use your information without your permission. This website guarantees and respects your privacy, in agreement with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

This means, among other things, that your personal data will only be used insofar as compatible with the purposes as set out in the aforementioned code of conduct, your personal data is protected by this website and you can exercise certain rights with regard to your personal data. This Privacy Statement provides an overview of the purposes of the data processing in the context of this website, the use of cookies on this website and how you can exercise your rights with regard to your personal data. We do not send advertising messages to your mailbox if you have not indicated in advance that you would like to receive such messages. You can indicate at any time that you no longer wish to receive information.

Your personal details will not be sold to third parties by this website. Our employees and third parties engaged by us have to respect the confidentiality of your data.

We think it's very important that you know what kind of cookies our website uses and for what purposes they are used. We want to guarantee your privacy, the user-friendliness and the financing of our website as much as possible. Below you can read more about the different cookies that are used by and through our website and for what purposes.

This cookie statement applies to and has been made in collaboration with industry parties and discussed with the OPTA regulator. The explanation about cookies on the website(s) of the industry parties is mostly the same on every website. The texts are, of course, adapted to the actual use of cookies. Therefore, the same text cannot be copied word for word on every website.


Cookies with which we can measure the use of this site

The use of cookies is of great importance for the proper running of this website. But there are other cookies that are very important, even though you might not see the effect directly (for example, Google Analytics). Without input from our visitors, this website has no oversight on the use of the website and how it can be improved. Our cookies provide this website with information regarding personal identification. In your browser settings, it's possible to configure that you won't receive cookies with this website.

To determine which parts of the website are of the most interest for our visitors, we constantly try to measure the number of visitors on our website, the most viewed items and where is most often clicked. We do this with the help of a third party. We use cookies for this.

Statistics are generated from the information we collect. These statistics give us insight into how often our web page is visited, where exactly visitors spend the most time, and so on. This enables us to make the structure, navigation and content of the website as user-friendly as possible. We do not trace back the statistics and other reports to individual people.

We use cookies for:

  • tracking the number of visitors on our web pages
  • tracking the amount of time every visitor spends on our web pages
  • determine the order in which a visitor visits the various pages of our website.
  • assess which parts of our site need adjustment
  • optimizing the website


Cookies to share the content of our website via social media

The articles and videos you see on our website can be shared, via buttons, on social media. We use social media cookies so that these buttons function well. These cookies make sure that the social media recognize you when you want to share an article or video.

For the cookies that the social media parties place and the possible data they collect, we refer to the statements that these parties provide on their own websites; see the links below. Note that these statements can change regularly. has no influence on that.

You can unsubscribe for cookies via the cookie notification, or adjust your browser settings so that it won't store cookies anymore. You can also remove all the information that has been stored earlier via your browser settings.