Lockdown challenge
Covid tired, Covid kilos, skin homesick, no team building.... We Aliens just have to keep moving, too! Luckily, there was PSTF (Positively In Motion) with the 2021 Lockdown Challenges.
The first lockdown was a fact and we were not ready for it.... The global pandemic brought us a lot of uncertainty and it had quite an impact on us as well. And later, when a curfew came into effect in addition to working from home, we thought it was time for something active at home!
How to activate an Alien
Thanks to PSTF, we got a serving of new motivation through our mailbox very easily and quickly. Okay, let's go!
Doing something every day for a month to give your body and mind a boost sounds too good to be true, but we can tell you that it really gave us new energy! There were several challenges that were not only nice for yourself, but also motivating to each other (read: everyone wants to show his/her best performance in our WhatsApp group created for this purpose). And as icing on the cake, you got a fit-pack prize if you had done your stinking best!
Let's work together on your future. Contact.
Some of the active challenges:
- Do 10 squats and 10 push-ups
- Wallsit at least 2 minutes
- Walk 20 minutes after dinner
- Do all your shopping by bike
A few examples of the mind challenges:
- Write down three positive things from today
- Do nothing at all for 15 minutes
- 30 x conscious belly breaths and counting in your head
- No more screen time 1 hour before bedtime
Exercise is not only important for your body, your mind also plays an important role in it. We saw this moment as the perfect opportunity to learn new habits we've wanted to do for ages in our lives, but never got around to. For example, have you already taught yourself to stop having screen time an hour before bedtime? Your sleep will be greatly improved!

we look forward to hearing from you