Strategic online advertising
Door-to-door leaflets, large advertising pillars along the highway or abri bus shelter advertising. Everyone knows them and encounters them in everyday life. These forms of advertising have one thing in common.
After all, none of them are easily measurable for effectiveness. And yet nowadays there are efficient ways and channels to reach your target group in a targeted way.
The world of advertising has largely moved from off- to online, thanks to the digital revolution. That's not to say you never see advertising outside the computer.
On- and offline advertising can be an essential part of the marketing mix determined by strategic choices. The target group to be reached determines the mix. Young people, for example, are spending more and more time online. Effective advertising to reach them will therefore take place more online. In comparison, the somewhat older population uses even more "conventional" media. For them, the combination of off- and online advertising will therefore be different.
Who? What? Where?
Yet there are still many companies that do not "dare" to present themselves online. They are often in the dark when it comes to the approach and get no further than creating/building a website as part of their marketing.
They are behind the hard times because they simply cannot keep up with developments in online marketing and do not know how to target their audience online. It's a trend-driven world where what and how seem to be constantly competing to be the best.
English terms and phrases (buzzwords) are flying around your ears! As a result, there may be a reluctance to properly incorporate the online part into their marketing. Perhaps this applies to your business as well. And that's a missed opportunity because online marketing can add so much value.
Let's work together on your future. Contact.
Online bannering
You could perhaps say that every self-respecting business has an online presence. Customers have choice when it comes to online offerings. Since this year, people have increasingly gone online and online sales are on the rise. This shift in behavior is largely due to Covid19. No luxury then to stand out from your competition. So you will have to be "visible" online as well as offline.
The choice of which media to use at what time should be made tactically in order to be effective. This tactical operational plan is part of the marketing and communications plan and includes both short-term and long-term goals. On the basis of the customer profile and the customer journey in which touch points (buzzword for contact moments) are described, it is determined where and how to advertise. Our resulting advice can be to increase online 'presence' by advertising with banners in combination with a landing page or optimizing keywords.
How to go about this, we'll be happy to tell you!
By bringing your company, product or service to the attention of your target audience by means of online banners, you increase its recognition. This recognizability, or awareness, is part of the SEE phase and is the first part of a process that the target audience goes through in order to eventually make a purchase/action. After the SEE phase, if interested, consideration, or THINK phase, follows. Addressing the target group from your 'unique' proposition contributes to the conviction and need to choose your product or service. Eventually they only need the final push to actually proceed to making a purchase. This is the so-called DO phase in which your target group decides to take action.
And what's the added benefit of this phasing in online bannering? You can measure it. Track, analyze and adjust. To achieve long-term goals, you can adjust your online strategy in the short term by using other platforms, possibly adjusting the content of the banner or, for example, applying retargeting/remarketing. The latter is the targeted use of banners based on the (click) behavior of visitors. A small example: You have visited a website that offers a certain service or product. You then visit another website and "hey!", there appears a banner of the product you viewed before. In short, there are countless variants and ways to approach a target group and create awareness. Of course, we would be happy to tell you more about completing and applying the right strategy.
Types of banners
Banners come in numerous types and sizes. You come across them on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn and other social media.
In webshops, banners are widely represented. The Google Ads platform also offers a variety of advertising options in, for example, their shop environment and search engine. Banners can be images (static) but also animated (dynamic).
They can be short films, gifs (Giphies) or HTML5 files that can also be used on mobile devices. The better the target group is defined, the more accurately we can anticipate their online behavior and the type of banner that matches it. Either way, without a doubt we can state that the banner must stand out and we are happy to help you with that.
Banner campaigns
Among other things, quantity and quality of banners determine their effectiveness. Their effectiveness. In addition, it is therefore important to know what drives your target audience and where they are online. For example, we can serve local companies with a local target group very well by advertising online based on geography and demographics. In this way, we can take your target group through the communication funnel (Buzzword) and give substance to the SEE, THINK and DO phases.
For large companies (read multinationals), this can result in a greater diversity of banners. For example, we recently created ± 650 expressions in nine languages for one online campaign. From banners for Amazon and Netflix to Scandinavian electronics chains and even 3D animated banners.
Explore the possibilities!
The purchase of banners will become transparent by optimizing your tactical operational plan. Of course we are happy to think along with you so that we can then shape banners that meet the specific requirements of the various platforms and your wishes.
Our experts in the field of strategy and (online) marketing always work together with the specialized designers to create and deploy each banner optimally. And to make all this more concrete, we have already put a number of transparent proposals, in the form of subscriptions, online for you. Discover the possibilities to boost your online marketing. And if you don't quite make it through all the Buzzwords, we'll be happy to explain how it works!

We'd love to hear from you
Strategy Director and co-founder