Vacancy campaign for Gemeente Hengelo
Gemeente Hengelo
Our role
Design & development
Q4 2018

How do we reach young adults for 12 open positions? We received this question from gemeente Hengelo. A question originated from the generation pact introduced in the municipality last year.
Older workers are given the opportunity to work less, allowing an influx of young people to be realized.
Recognizable recruitment campaign
To recruit suitable young adults, we came up with the concept of "Working at gemeente Hengelo, that's not for you.
We opted for recognition: calling young future colleagues to apply through the microsite we developed:

Working at gemeente hengelo, that's not for you!
To match the campaign with the target audience, we worked with DONE.
By Tjeerd Derkink photographed "young" employees of the municipality. We used these recognizable campaign images, among others, for city displays in the streets of Hengelo, Dinkelland, Enschede, Almelo and Tubbergen.

Remy Maessen
Communications Advisor Gemeente Hengelo
Let's work together on your future. Contact.
Online campaign
'Working at gemeente Hengelo that's not for you' it says on all communications. Unless you have 'innovative ideas', a 'strong character' or some other special qualities. The copy challenges the target group to apply for one of the twelve vacancies.
In addition to the roadside city displays, we managed to reach the target audience by deploying an online campaign on various social media channels with the hashtag #werkenbijhengelo.
You could apply through the recruitment website we developed specifically for this campaign:
Thanks to this online strategy, we were able to measure conversion well and thus gain insight into results.
The recognizability within our concept ensured that the campaign was also a great success internally at the municipality. The colleagues in the photos have become ambassadors of both the campaign and gemeente Hengelo as a whole.
Gemeente Hengelo has been closely involved throughout the process, which made for a fine collaboration. After many positive reactions, twelve new, young people are now working at Gemeente Hengelo!

We'd love to hear from you
Strategy Director and co-founder