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Social media

The secret to content mapping! Appealing to your target audience the way they want it, so that your company, brand or organization achieves its goals. We know what excites people. How to reach your target group, get them moving and prompt them into action or purchase.

Touch, inspire and activate

To touch, inspire and activate your target audience, your brand must create content that reaches your audience such as:

  • Facebook, Instagram posts, story or polls
  • Tweets of Youtube videos
  • Digital out-of-home or outdoor advertising
  • Web copy & editorials
  • Corporate videos
  • Blogs

You deploy this content according to a strategy, and the rollout of this strategy is called content mapping.

We help you: whether you are a school, a contractor, a retailer or in the manufacturing industry. Together, we develop an effective strategy, create rock-solid content, and we roll out your content.

We will create a rock-solid and effective strategy that you can start using right away!

Let's work together on your future. Contact.

Content mapping: what does it get you?

With content mapping, you create different routes (maps) that lead your target audience to your brand.

You don't use one Facebook post, one Tweet or one Instagram photo at one time. We provide your brand with:

  • New energy, in the form of video, visuals, blogs, copy or campaigns
  • Rolling out on the platforms where your target audience is (WhatsApp/Facebook/Instagram/Youtube/Website)
  • Stimulate your target audience at different times

Touch, inspire and activate

Our experienced video, social media, strategy and design experts provide exactly that: unique content that activates your target audience.

We activate your target group: in the right place, through the right channels and at the right time! Would you like to work with us on a content map? Or brainstorm about the possibilities?

Content mapping: what does it get you?

With content mapping, you create different routes (maps) that lead your target audience to your brand. You don't use one Facebook post, one Tweet or one Instagram photo at one time. We provide your brand with:

  • New energy, in the form of video, visuals, blogs, copy or campaigns
  • Rolling out on the platforms where your target audience is (WhatsApp/Facebook/Instagram/Youtube/Website)
  • Stimulate your target audience at different times
  • Our experienced video, social media, strategy and design experts provide exactly that: unique content that activates your target audience.

We activate your target group: in the right place, through the right channels and at the right time! Would you like to work with us on a content map? Or brainstorm about the possibilities?ย 

We know your target audience

By using a content map, we serve your target audience all small "bites" of content from your brand.

We know who you're serving it to: we make sure we know your market and your target audience, and in doing so, we have the tooling to provide your audience with the right information they want to see at that very moment.

Working with you or your marketers on a content map? We provide measurable gains in content strategy.

Why does your brand choose AlienTrick as a content partner?


  • Simplicity: in house strategy, creation (video/photo/design) and rollout.
  • Knowledge: we listen, interpret and we put ourselves in your and your target audience's shoes.
  • Experienced: unique and experienced teams working purposefully on your specific goals.
  • Creative: our concepts, content strategies and campaigns excite, motivate and create positive change.
  • Results: measurable and demonstrable.


we look forward to hearing from you



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You can also call us: 074 76 20 200, gladly!