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Customer journey

Map your customer journey. Today's consumers no longer allow themselves to be pigeonholed.ย 

He shops at the Lidl, drives his new sports car to an outlet store, buys gadgets at night through both a luxury webshop and an online Chinese marketplace, and alternates reading on the iPad with reading a paper newspaper.

Start with a buyer persona

You want to know everything about your customer, how he moves, what his behavior is, his situation, thinking patterns and the interactions he makes. You capture these in "buyer persona.

You use these buyer personas to inspire your internal organization to create relevant content. When you develop this content, you are more effective when you use your buyer persona as a guide.

A buyer persona is the foundation and benchmark for relevant communication: fine-tuning your message to your target audience. He is leading in making decisions about channel deployment and budget.

Good buyer personas tell human stories. They capture behaviors, situations, thought patterns and interactions on a timeline

Let's work together on your future. Contact.

The (digital) customer journey

A customer journey (or customer journey) visualizes how a buyer persona interacts with a company during a purchase journey. We visualize the journey along all contact moments and all possible channels. This customer journey lasts from the moment a potential customer starts looking for your product or service until the moment this customer is an ambassador for your company. A visualization of this customer journey provides insight into the opportunities for improving the customer experience.

The added value of a customer journey

Fortunately, using online and offline communications, data sources, statistics and tools, it is very possible to map out where customers and prospects are in their journey. This allows us to predict what steps they take and how we can help them with their choices. Therefore, mapping the customer journey is an important part of any company's marketing strategy.

So a well-designed customer journey delivers enormous added value: you see where your target audience moves, how to approach them and you can quickly respond to the dynamic needs of your customers with a campaign.

Different touchpoints together form a total customer experience, turn your customer into an ambassador

See, Think, Do, Care: the stages in a customer journey

Every customer journey consists of multiple phases. We use See, Think, Do and Care as phases. Each phase can be seen as its own funnel: you put in resources and tools to reach your persona at that moment in that mindset.

Customer journey touchpoints
The latent and concrete needs create the first customer journey touchpoints (See phase). This is when and how a person and a brand meet. Then the person makes a decision to make the purchase based on motives that are important to him (Think phase). Your customer makes a purchase (Do phase) and you ensure the best possible completion so that this customer is happy to return to you (Care phase).

Also get insight into your customer journey

A successful enterprise predicts the steps customers and prospects take and helps them make choices. Enterprises have thought about the (digital) journey a customer takes in their search for a product or service.

Let's team up

We love to work with you. We combine your knowledge of your customers, market and products or services with our creative skills and go for the best result.

Meet our 5-step approach to understanding the desires and motives of your target audience. We create a customer journey that captures your target audience. We develop brand strategies, invent company names, build websites, produce films and animations, and design visual identities. We put the customer first and work with measurable objectives. And always from a well-founded vision and strategy. Creative and effective.


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Strategy Director and co-founder

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