Positioning Twents Poppodium (Metropool)
Our role
Positioning & name creation
Activation campaign
Web portal
Various means of communication

One metropolitan Twents Poppodium under the banner of the Metropool foundation .
This is how we put all of Twente's pop venues "together" on the map alongside the big 8 in pop venue-land. The answer to our problem from the boards of Hengelo and Enschede.
Positioning issue
How do we position Twents Poppodium as an umbrella organization over all of Twente's pop venues?
How do we position Metropool as a multi-site pop venue? How do we communicate as a pop venue Metropool with our diverse audiences? These are just a few examples of a broad and challenging positioning issue. To answer these and many other strategic questions, we held a number of marketing sessions with the core team of Metropool .

Let's work together on your future. Contact.
Brand architecture
For the positioning of the Twente Poppodium we chose, partly due to the existing strength of the brand Metropool, a hybrid form of brand architecture: monolithic combined with endorsed: Metropool Poppodia of Twente.
Metropool Poppodia van Twente connects all Twente Poppodia according to the "strong together" principle with one icon, the "M", which stands for Music. Music connects people.
Metropool positioning
Metropool needed to reposition itself, as a pop venue within this brand hierarchy, by adding a new location at Enschede (the former pop venue ATAK).
As a result, Metropool now has a total of six stages of its own, including both music cafes. For this repositioning, we wrote a strategic plan. We also re-branded Metropool and designed various communication tools.

One of these communication tools is the e-commerce website www.metropool.nl.
Our developers and UI / UX designers delivered a user-friendly, easy-to-manage and beautifully designed website with a focus on ticket sales (conversion).

To create commotion around the new brand, we devised the #whataboutM campaign. A phased activation campaign in which the M was central without a sender. By deploying a promo team, city displays and a win action with microsite, the M in Twente was fully present off- and online. With a kick-ass party in Enschede , we finally revealed the mysterious M.

Together with the core team at Metropool , we spent months behind the scenes working hard on the new Metropool brand and its new web portal. We are immensely proud of the final result! We are very curious to know what you think of it. Make an appointment!
"I loved attending the sessions at AlienTrick . It was an educational and beautiful course with a super end result. Learned a lot and met nice people (who speak the same language) that I/we really enjoyed working with! It's all about M!"
Steven Hignell
Marketing & Image Poppodium Metropool

We'd love to hear from you
Strategy Director and co-founder