A green cross-media campaign for Venray Vergroent
Municipality of Venray
Our role
Social media
Q3 2021

The Municipality of Venray has set up something valuable that will greatly benefit us and our planet - the project "Venray Vergroent. This project consists of three sub-projects: Energy Transition, Climate Adaptation and Circular Economy.
By conserving energy, combating climate change or giving new life to waste, they are helping to improve our world!
"Solar panels on the roof, garbage separated in the trash can, a green lawn planted, riding your bike to work more often!"
Everyone from the municipality can apply and participate, large and small projects, businesses, institutions, groups or individuals, young and old.
And together with these residents, businesses, associations, the municipality is fighting for a greener Venray. But how do you activate residents and make a municipality aware of this? The Municipality of Venray shone its searchlight and AlienTrick came to the rescue!
The Groene Strijders
A storytelling-based, cross-media campaign (both offline and online), giving a stage to residents with sustainable ideas. With an optimistic tone-of-voice, social media channels, advertisements and banners are used. This all leads to one gathering platform, namely to the website of the Groene Strijders.
Wait a minute... Groene Strijders? Yes! These are sustainable residents "fighting" for a greener Venray. The website helps to visualize and connect them, as they tell each other their stories. A platform for the Venray frontrunners. Here we not only embrace the Green heroes, we inspire others to improve the world too!

Let's work together on your future. Contact.
But how do you activate a community to think and act green? To create a community, a stage (i.e., the website) was launched where you not only get to know the Groene Strijders and their Heroic Deeds, but also get more information about all of Venray Vergroent's subprojects here.
Here you can read about what all you can do to help and get in touch with one of the Groene Strijders quickly .
With a website full of information, case studies, photos and videos, the Groene Strijders inspire the rest of Venray's residents. They are activated to all contribute to a better, sustainable world.

"Business and informational campaigns we already do, through this playful campaign(style) we not only hope to gain more interaction and exposure, this also appeals much more to the youth in the community!"
Municipality of Venray
Tap it!
One element is seen throughout the campaign, namely the warrior arm or a *buck* of a Green Warrior. The campaign was developed in Covid time and we wanted to do "something" with each other despite the measures, giving each other "the box" is not only very catchy to do, but can be passed on from Warrior to Warrior.
Fun Fact: English scientists say a box is much more hygienic and that you spread much less bacteria with it. To be exact: 90% less!

Raging reporter
All Heroic Acts will be featured by the raving Venray Reporter, named Nina! She visits residents, hears & sees the sustainable choices made and turns these inspiring stories into a written or filmed Heroic Act.
We see these heroic acts as a wildfire of becoming a hero, staying a hero, inspiring others and working together for the future! Tip: check out Joseph Campbell's Hero's Journey.

After months of intensive work with the municipality, this campaign was launched on October 8, 2021 (The Day of Sustainability) and is already a great success!
We are enormously proud of this project, the fine cooperation with the municipality and we are also doing our part to make the world a better place. Wondering how we can help you launch a (sustainable) project? Feel free to contact us!

we look forward to hearing from you